Monday, June 27, 2011

Denis Mohr's Black Chicken

I first emailed Denis and asked if this was a chicken and then thought about my preconceived ideas of chickens and pigs. I said to myself, "Josh pay attention this is an awesome chicken".

Thank you to Denis Mohr!

Check out the website of one Denis Mohr, very clever.

Julia Humpfer The 2:07 AM Chicken

I love the term more better and here is some more better illustration from Germany. Her name is Julia Humpfer and she can be found at

The first email I see this morning came in at 2:07AM and this project is growing. Special thanks to each of our contributors so far and please check out their websites and blogs. There are some great artists out there and hopefully The Chicken and Pig book can capture the same spirit that these artists put in their everyday work.

Thank you Julia!

Ina Hattenhauer Chicken Ahoy!

Ina Hattenhauer Chicken

Two Chickens & a Pig Walk in...

Ina Hattenhauer just sent in a couple chickens and a scooter riding pig. Ina is happily living in Weimar, Germany. These little guys were archived and Ina thought enough about this project to pull them out. Thank you Ina!!
Want to learn more about Ina Hattenhauer? Good!
Her fun website is:

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sharon the Chicken

I would like to introduce you to Sharon. Fresh from Gemma Correll. She has a great site called Go and check it out, but first send in a pig or a chicken too!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pig Today

I can't possibly ask for others to send in their drawn chickens and pigs without first giving it a go. GO!

Artists Wanted

Submit your Chickens and Pigs to be added to The Chicken & Pig Book that will be published! A quick sketch, a black and white chicken or maybe a pink pig. Send them to

Good morning

It is the second day of The Chicken & Pig Book. Two people liked the idea on Facebook (Tyra and Keisha). Now I just need to see who will be the first to submit their own chicken or pig. I am very excited!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Chicken & Pig Book

The Chicken & Pig Book needs your help. Simply stated the Chicken & Pig Book is a compilation of images of drawn chickens and pigs. This is how you can help. Draw a chicken and pig and send it to me. Attach your name and contact information and your animal will grace hundred of other animals in a children's book aptly titled The Chicken & Pig Book. The lesson is that even though chickens and pig are different they are still chickens and pigs.